Dec 18, 2017

What's new in EasyMorph Server 1.3


Previously all users could access all Server tasks as well as files in the public folder. Starting from this release EasyMorph Server introduces spaces in order to offer more granularity and control in managing access to tasks and files.

Each space is independent from other spaces, and can have its own:
  • tasks
  • public web-folder
  • connector repository

Spaces are managed in a new tab called “Spaces” visible only to the Server administrator.

Server spaces

Spaces allow limiting access to tasks using one of the 4 modes:
  • Disabled – tasks are entirely disabled and not available in this particular space
  • Lock task – a user can only trigger tasks, but not create or edit them
  • Lock project – a user can edit task schedule, task parameters, but not create tasks, or change the project in a task.
  • Full access – no restrictions, the only mode where new tasks can be created.

A combination of task access mode with one of the file access modes introduced earlier allows flexibly configuring spaces for different types of users and use cases. See the table below for a few examples:

Examples of spaces with different roles

Password-protected spaces

A space can be password-protected. In this case, a user should provide correct password in order to access tasks and/or files.

Performing operations through the API with password-protected spaces also requires providing a password. The command-line client and EasyMorph Server .NET SDK have been updated accordingly.

Remote administration

By default, the Server settings and space configuration is only allowed from localhost. However, it is now possible to enable remote administration. In this case, it is possible to configure the Server from a remote computer, after providing a valid administrator password.

Start/stop batch scripts

It is now possible to execute a batch script when the Server service is starting or stopping. Modify onstart.bat or onstop.bat located in C:\Program Files\EasyMorph Server\systemscripts accordingly.

This capability can be used, for instance, to map additional network drives on server start, or to send an email notification when the Server service is shutting down or rebooting.